Blogging U. Day 6: Dig Deep into a Social Network

I GROANED when I read the title of today’s assignment.

The good news is: I WAS ALREADY following some of Blogging University’s advice.


I have Sharing Buttons at the bottom of each post. In WordPress, you go to “My Sites,” then “Sharing”. Located at the bottom is “Sharing Buttons.” There are four different options. I changed mine to “icons only” from the “official” option. And, I changed my “sharing” prompt. “SHARING is sew sewcial” I hope it worked.


Blogging University recommends focusing my energy on one social network.

I’ve discovered that quilt bloggers are using Instagram as much as they use Facebook.

My Pinterest page connects to my blog, but my blog doesn’t post to Pinterest automatically like it does to Facebook and Google through WordPress’ Publicize option.  The same is true for Instagram.

I haven’t settled on which network to focus on.


I use Publicize for Google, Facebook and LinkedIn. I learned I can control the message that is shared with these sites. I can be a tease for the first time ever.


pinterest instagram flickr bloglovin email

Do you see the tears dripping from these lovely icons? During the New Quilt Bloggers Blog Hop, I learned how to add buttons to my sidebar. And, I shed a few tears getting them to work. I got these buttons from Carrie Loves. I wanted different colors to coordinate with my blog logo. That made me cry tears of joy.


Networking requires taking the next step: sharing other bloggers’ posts or links I find interesting. I can also share “status updates” about an ongoing project. I can ask my readers to help me. I can build personal connections with readers.

Asking a question is also one way to engage with readers.




8 thoughts on “Blogging U. Day 6: Dig Deep into a Social Network

  1. Helen says:

    Well wanda – I think if you are building a business Facebook is essential but Instagram is more fun if you are there primarily to socialise and be part of a community
    And by the way, having introduced me to buttons In the first place , I now have a strong case of button envy


  2. deirdremagner says:

    I love the colours of your buttons! And generally love your blog! Although I’m not sure what the little green button with (what looks to me like) the two little ‘eyes’ links to!


  3. zippyquilts says:

    Depends what you want your social network to do, and how much you want to do with it. If you truly think people want to hear from you daily and you want to update daily or more, then Instagram. If you want to share your taste and visual inspirations, then Pinterest. If you want to share as often or seldom as you wish and have the ability to share your own pictures but not so much your inspirations, then Facebook. I use Pinterest for quilts and Facebook for family. I dislike the constant checking in that Instagram implies. Whew! Didn’t know I had so much opinion!


    • Wanda Ann Dotson says:

      It’s a lot to consider. I like the ease of socializing on Instagram. I like the ease of networking between Facebook and my blog. Pinterest does allow for sharing the best visuals. Good thing I don’t have to decide today.


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