Comfort Zone

I believe clothes should be fun and express who you are. I tried the capsule wardrobe and discovered I like an all-season capsule wardrobe. I have everything I own in my closet, and I’m experimenting with combining summer items with winter ones.

I have about 50 items of clothing, not including shoes and accessories or sweatpants and t-shirts.

wardrobe by color

I recently organized by color to see what was missing. I need some violet and light pink. I have plenty of blue and black. I was surprised I have only one red item: a winter cape.

I’ve purchased many items through Stitch Fix and they send suggestion cards with each item:


I’m going to use these cards more. I have a peach blouse I can wear with this cardigan. I have a striped dress I can wear with it too. And, I have a handmade necklace almost identical which I got from Sweet Cami Jayne on Etsy.

This is me wearing this cardigan with a knit shirt (think yoga), which is almost the same color as the cardigan. Getting out of my comfort zone will mean following their suggestions. Novel idea!

Stitch Fix cardiganGetting out of my comfort zone,



5 thoughts on “Comfort Zone

  1. Tish says:

    I love Stitch Fix! I think I have had four fixes so far. I’m so stinking short and I love that my stylist can find pants that fit me without having to be hemmed.


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